The Benefits of a Professional Patent Search

A patent search is an in-depth analysis of existing patents and published patent applications to determine if an invention is novel and non-obvious. A professional patent search can be conducted by a licensed patent attorney or agent, or by a trained research specialist.

The results of a professional patent search can give you peace of mind that your invention is not infringing on any existing patents, and can also help you to avoid wasting time and money pursuing a patent for an invention that has already been patented

Benefits of a Professional Patent Search

There are many benefits of performing a professional patent search prior to filing a patent application. Perhaps the most important benefit is that it can help you avoid potential infringement issues. If you are unaware of an existing patent, you could unintentionally infringe upon it, which could lead to costly litigation. A professional patent search can also give you a better understanding of the prior art in your field, which can help you refine your invention and make it more unique. Additionally, a professional patent search can help you determine whether your invention is truly novel and not obvious to someone skilled in the art, both of which are necessary requirements for obtaining a patent. Finally, a professional patent search can simply give you peace of mind knowing that you have thoroughly vetted your invention and are not infringing on any existing patents.

Understanding Different Kinds of Patents

When you are ready to conduct a professional patent search, it is important to understand the different kinds of patents that exist. This will allow you to target your search and ensure that you are looking for the right type of patent. There are three main types of patents: design, plant, and utility.

Design patents protect the ornamental design of an object. This can include the shape, color, or surface texture of an object. Design patents are typically granted for a period of 14 years from the date of issuance.

Plant patents protect new varieties of plants. To be eligible for a plant patent, the plant must be novel (not previously known), non-obvious (not something that could be easily bred), and reproducible (able to be reproduced reliably). Plant patents are typically granted for a period of 20 years from the date of filing.

Utility patents protect new and useful inventions. Utility patents can be granted for machines, compositions of matter, manufacturing processes, and other useful things. Utility patents are typically granted for a period of 20 years from the date of filing

Resources for Finding Patents

When it comes to patents, there are a few different types of searches that can be conducted in order to help you find the right one for your needs. Here are a few resources that can help you in your search:

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a great starting point for anyone looking toconduct a patent search. The USPTO website provides a wealth of information on patents, including how to conduct a search and what types of searches are available.

The European Patent Office (EPO) is another excellent resource for those looking to conduct a patent search. The EPO website provides a variety of tools and resources that can be used in order to find the right patent for your needs.

There are also a number of private companies that offer patent search services. These companies typically have access to a variety of databases and tools that can be used in order to find the right patent for your needs.

How to Interpret Patent Information?

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind when you are interpreting patent information. First, you need to make sure that you are looking at the right data. There is a lot of data out there, and not all of it is accurate. Make sure that you are only looking at data from reliable sources.

Second, you need to understand what the data means. Patent information can be complex, and it is often difficult to understand what it all means. If you are having trouble understanding the data, ask someone who is more experienced for help.

Finally, remember that patent information is always changing. What was true yesterday may not be true today. Be sure to keep up with the latest changes so that you can make the best decisions for your business.


A professional patent search is an invaluable tool for inventors and entrepreneurs, as it saves time and money by avoiding costly legal battles. It also helps to ensure that the products you create are not infringing on someone else’s patents. A professional patent search can give you peace of mind when creating or investing in new ideas, so if you are considering a new venture, be sure to consult a specialist who can guide you through the process.

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