4 Mistakes to Avoid in Biological Sequence Searches

Sometimes, people refer to Biological Sequence Searches as Sequence Analysis. Thus, in this article, we may use both terms interchangeably since both refer to the same process. Biological Sequence Searches are important in the domain of bioinformatics. They help in getting relevant insights pertaining to organic molecules like DNA, RNA, or proteins. DNA, RNA, or proteins need to be analysed thoroughly to understand its structures, features, functions and/or evolution. Biological Sequence Searches have become very important for pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals, textiles and other companies. You can understand the biological function of a gene or proteins that it encodes. As a result, you can prioritize your research work accordingly.

What are Biological Sequence Searches?

Biological Sequence Searches are the most powerful method today for inferring the biological function of a gene. With the rapid growth in biotechnology space, organizations are filing patents at a much faster rate than ever before. Biological Sequence Searches involve finding a specific arrangement of sequences in the patent or non-patent document. The Sequence Analysis ensures that the intended invention is novel and safe to make investments.

Related Article: Patent Search Types: You Must Know

4 Mistakes to Avoid in Biological Sequence Searches

While doing biological sequence searches, we do a lot of mistakes that ought to be avoided. Here is the list of those common mistakes:

Under-utilizing annotation information

We undermine and underutilize annotated data. These are the most common mistakes we commit while doing Sequence Analysis. Neglecting these fields and data may have serious legal and economic consequences on your investments. Therefore, we need to search these data also. Annotated data are placed in various fields including bibliographic references, date of earliest publication, and date of sequence disclosure.

Unearthing data beyond online databases

Popular databases like Public BLAST portals search only the most readily-accessible elements of the entire universe of genome data. Important data is still locked in various other proprietary databases, graphic images and illustrations, print documents and desktop hard drives. It is important for searchers to refer these databases too. Neglecting them could affect the desired result.

Making decisions based on yesterday’s results

Genome sequence information is extremely dynamic. Thus, it is important that the collected raw data should be latest. Making decisions based on previous day’s data could be detrimental to your goal. A sequence data query affecting important scientific research. Business decisions might not yield the same answer one week from now.

Choosing right algorithm for search

Every database works on the principle of different ranking algorithms. Therefore, we need to understand various limitations that a database can have. We also need to create search strings that targeted specifically to a database. For example, using BLAST for short sequences will miss many approximate hits. As a result, we need to rely on other databases working on the different algorithmic model.

Related Article: Sequence Analysis: Things to Avoid

The Patent Search Firm May Assist You

We, The Patent Search Firm, have been assisting clients for more than a decade now. We proudly say that our clients are from more than 60+ countries. Moreover, they are satisfied with our top-notch services. We offer Patentability Search, Patent Invalidity Search, FTO search, Patent Landscape Analysis, Biological Sequence Search, Chemical Structure Search and so on.

Use our Biological Sequence Searches service and see the difference in quality – The Patent Search Firm.

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