Sequence Analysis: Things to Avoid

With the advent of molecular biology and biotechnology, it is now possible for professionals to perform sequence analysis of such compounds. Scientists carry out sequence analysis for Nucleotides (DNA, RNA) and Amino acids (proteins) found in various biological systems. Once they get to know the sequence of these chemical compounds, they can now correlate its structure with its biological and physical properties.

Sequence analysis is widely applicable in the field of drug manufacturing, textiles, fertilizer, and pesticide manufacturing. Also, sequence analysis becomes a major part of Non-provisional patent applications (plant patent).

These domains require manufacturing new organic molecules every now and then. However, if you don’t know the basics of doing sequence analysis it may appear simply characters of a foreign language. Thus it is important that only experts who have prior knowledge of sequence analysis to carry out this process.

Sequence Analysis: Things Not To Do!

With this article, we are going to share some important things that you should avoid while doing sequence analysis. Avoiding these could help you do a sequence analysis in a better and fruitful way.

  • Use of Annotation Data: Annotations are a kind of metadata used in a specific portion of a document to add additional historical contexts to the text. These annotated data are the goldmine of knowledge and if utilize them thoroughly these could be of immense purpose. While doing sequence analysis it is important for searchers to analyze each and every annotation produced with each search result. Moreover, you can find annotated data in various fields of a document including bibliographic references and date of earliest publication.
  • Use of various data forms: the advent of computers and web made the gathering of data in a matter of clicks. However, we must accept the fact that there is a world beyond internet which is more rich and resourceful. When we deal with the matters of patenting, it is important to search through these resources as well. These resources include books, newspaper articles, journals, etc.
  • Use of redundant and old data for reference: patent databases are very dynamic as entries keep on changing with the passage of time. We need to make up to date searches and rely on data that is current. Using redundant and obsolete data could become detrimental to our overall goal.

Also Read: How To Conduct Patent Search: A Quick Guide

  • Use of stagnant database algorithms: A patent search is all about utilizing patent databases to its maximum potential. More familiar you are with a database, the better the output. Since every database uses a different algorithm, it is important for searches to know the basic algorithms of the database.

Important Nucleic Acid and Amino Acid Databases

There are certainly important and up-to-date databases related to nucleic acid and protein databases. These databases are quite reliable and updated from time to time for rationalized information. To name a few:

  • International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration: it is a joint database for both DNA and RNA sequences. It collaborates with multiple databases including- DNA Data Bank of Japan, GenBank (USA), and the European Nucleotide Archive (UK).
  • EMBL (European Bioinformatics Institute): it is the world’s first nucleotide sequence database, situated in Germany. It started as a computer database od DNA sequences to supplement sequences submitted to journals. But, later on too up major genome projects and grew invisibility, and the data became much more relevant for research in commercial sector.
  • Protein Data bank: is a worldwide database for 3-D structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. They obtain the structural data with the help of X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and cryoelectron microscopy and submitted by biologists and biochemists around the world. It is freely accessible on the internet through the websites of – Protein Databank in Europe and Japan; and RCSB.

Our Search Approach

Sequence analysis is a tedious process indeed. It not only involves searching various databases but also, digging deep into each and every relevant biological sequence. But, whatsoever a thorough search is inevitable. But not to worry, you can always take help of experts with years of experience in such searches. We, at The Patent Search Firm, have 100+ full-time searchers with 16+ years of experience in this domain. The searches carried out are from relevant and authorized databases. You can find our samples for biological sequence searches for your reference. This is not it; we also provide patentability search, invalidity search, patent landscape analysis, chemical structure research, and many more related services. To know more do give a visit, to our service page.

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