Cost of Patent Search: The Important Details

The cost of patent search depends on the complexity of the invention. The aim of patent search is to check the novelty of a patent. Patent search can be done for free by oneself. However, a professional perform a better search. It can cost from $100 to $3000. Also, the government search fee is a part of the process when Firms submit a patent application.

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There are different types of searches. Attention to detail required in different searches affects the cost of patent search.

  • Novelty search:  These searches studies the prior art.  Patented invention and unpatented invention present before your invention fall under this search. It determines whether the invention is unique or not.
  • State of art: This search covers the modification done over the years.
  • An infringement search:  This helps to determine whether your patent infringes on any existing patent. These are done to avoid lawsuits.
  • Validity search: It studies the older patents to check the validity of the patent.

Patent researchers go through a lot of sources like patent databases, scientific journals, and other relevant.

Professional patent researchers are aware of conducting these searches. They understand the details in the patent applications and know-how to compare the inventions. Moreover, Professionals prepare a detailed report on whether the patent will qualify or not.

Some professionals have a flat rate while others charge on an hourly basis. The hourly rate climbs up to $100 per hour in U.S. Professionals opt for an hourly basis when they conduct an in-depth analysis and offer an opinion on the patentability of the invention.

The complexity of the invention plays a major role. A simple invention might cost around $100 but a complex one with a detailed report cost up to $2000. Here are some estimated amounts for different inventions.

  • Simple invention: $1000-1250
  • Slightly complex:  $1250-1500
  • Moderate complexity: $1500-$2000
  • Highly complex: $2000-$3000

Also, the Government charges a patent search fee. In the case of a university or small enterprise, the search fees are around $300. Fees are around $600 for a large entity. One can check on the USPTO website for more information on government fees.

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Other important details:

The time duration of a patent search: This depends on the complexity of the invention and the party searching. However, 1 to 5 weeks is an average time to complete a patent search.

What to include:  Text, photos, and drawings to explain your invention. It also includes known competitors along with the industrial application of the invention.

In conclusion, the cost of a patent search is far less than the cost of not conducting a patent search. A patent search saves a lot of money and time. It saves firms from expensive infringement lawsuits and finds opportunities in existing technology.

Worried about the cost of patent search? – The Patent Search firm

The Patent search firm has more than 16 years of experience in the IP field. Our team consists of experts from almost every technical field. We serve over 6500+ clients in 60+ countries. Moreover, we deliver precise results as we go through the global database. Above all, we provide you the relevant data. Also, the clients can check the status of the work at any stage of the process. Moreover, We ensure 100 % customer satisfaction at optimal pricing. To know more, visit our service page: The Patent Search Firm.

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