Derwent World Patent Search Index (DWPI)

Patent Search is a way to find the patented inventions. This method is crucial since you don’t want to infringe on someone’s patent rights. Moreover, this step helps you in utilizing your resources in a better way. Therefore, you may use the Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI). It’s a database. Moreover, it contains patent applications and grants from 44 of the world’s patent issuing authorities. Thomson Derwent provides access to more than 26 million patent documents issued by patenting authorities. EPO, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, the U.S., and the WIPO are some patenting authorities.

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How DWPI Helps in Patent Search

One of the biggest benefits of the DWPI is the English language abstract. As a result, the abstract greatly improves the searcher’s access to non-English language patent information. Their editorial staffs have compiled Thomson Derwent in English. The database provides a short abstract detailing the nature and use of the invention. The database indexes patent in alphanumeric technology categories. As a result, it allows users to retrieve relevant patent documents. The DWPI is an excellent tool to use when searching global art. Each indexed document is given its own new abstract. Subject matter experts have written 200 to 500 words English abstract to ease the process.

DWPI also provides information on related patent applications filed worldwide. Each record within the database defines a patent family. Generally, searchers look for the grouping of patent documentation recorded at the various patent offices as protection of an invention. Each patent family groups around a basic patent. The basic patent is usually the first published example of the invention. All subsequent filings are referred back to the Basic patent. They are referred to as Equivalent patents.

How DWPI Works

Every week, Derwent’s patent experts review approximately 25,000 patent documents from more than 40 patent-issuing authorities. Moreover, they enhance the value of patent documents. Also, every week, they add new cited and citing references for approximately 45,000 records from the six major patent-issuing authorities.

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How to Use DWPI

You may access DWPI database by using web-subscription based services like Thomson Innovation. In addition to providing DWPI data, the firm has powerful search capabilities to assist the searcher. As result, the searcher may perform more complete and exhaustive search.

Moreover, there are supplementary services like Derwent Patents Citation Index. The Derwent Patents Citation Index (Derwent PCI) is an online database. It also stores citations appearing in patents from 6 major patenting authorities. It provides details of citations, both patent and literature, reviewed by the examiner during the examination of a patent application. Derwent PCI is the only database providing multi-source patents citation coverage of all technologies. Prior to May 1997, examiner and author citations were provided for 16 patent-issuing authorities. The database also contains a back-file with patent records dating back to the 1970’s.

The Patent Search Firm May Assist You

The Patent Search Firm is here to help you. The firm has served various clients from more than 60 countries. Our previous clients have liked our work.  We have a team of experienced professionals. They work and follow all guidelines.

If you like to use our services, please visit our service page – The Patent Search Firm.  

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