Resources for Searching Prior Art – Technical Reports

Searching prior art is one of the most important tasks that we accomplish before moving on to invest our resources into a product launch. A well performed prior art search increases the chances of getting your inventions protected. There are various resources through which prior arts can be collected and technical reports are one among them. With this article, we came up with some important databases that are authorities in the world of patent searching and a patent search professional can try them once for the best outcome.  Searching Prior Art

Important Resources for Searching Prior Art – Technical Reports

NTIS National Technical Reports Library The National Technical Information Service acquires, indexes, abstracts, and archives the largest collection of U.S. government-sponsored technical reports in existence. NTRL offers access to these authenticated government technical reports to libraries and technical information users. This site can be accessed with this link

  • Administration & Management
  • Aeronautics & Aerodynamics
  • Agriculture & Food
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics Energy
  • Atmospheric Sciences
  • Behavior & Society
  • Biomedical Technology & Human Factors Engineering
  • Building Industry Technology
  • Business & Economics
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Combustion, Engine & Propellant Communications
  • Computers, Control & Info Theory
  • Detection & Countermeasures
  • Electro technology
  • Energy
  • Environmental Pollution & Control
  • Government Inventions for Licensing
  • Health Care

NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) – Search technical report servers maintained by various NASA centers and programs. NTRS provides access to aerospace-related citations and full-text online documents, papers, journal articles, conference papers, patents, research reports.  Searching Prior Art

Computing Research Repository (CoRR)It is a preprint repository open to all researchers and houses hundreds and thousands of inventions undertaken in the field of computers and computing. This repository creates a single site to which researchers from the whole field of computing can submit reports, and has been integrated into the collection of over 20,000 computer science research reports and other material available through NCSTRL and will be linked with the ACM Digital Library.   Searching Prior Art

Some of the important categories covered by this database are:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computation and Language
  • Computational Complexity
  • Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
  • Computational Geometry
  • Computer Science and Game Theory
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Computers and Society
  • Cryptography and Security
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Databases
  • Digital Libraries
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Formal Languages and Automata Theory
  • General Literature
  • Graphics
  • Hardware Architecture

IBM Technical reports – This database provides technical reports written by members of the IBM Research community. Some reports are available for download. Once a technical report is published in either a journal or conference proceedings, it is sometimes replaced with a reference to the external source.  Searching Prior Art

HP Labs Technical report –   If you wish to know those inventions which were done and published by HP Labs, then this database could be of immense use.   Searching Prior Art

Defense Technical Information Center by the U.S. Department of Defense – The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is the premier repository for research and engineering information for the United States Department of Defense. DTIC’s Suite of Services is available to DoD personnel, defense contractors, federal government personnel and contractors and selected academic institutions.

SciTech Connect from US Department of Energy SciTech Connect is your connection to science, technology, and engineering research information from the U.S. Department of Energy. This database houses information on subjects like- Fossil Fuels, Physics, Energy Storage, Conversion, and Utilization, Geosciences, Power Generation and Distribution, Engineering, Materials, Renewable Energy Sources, Environmental Sciences, and Mathematics and Computing.

Environmental Protection Agency (National Service Center for Environmental Publications) – The National Service Center for Environmental Publications offers various publication feeds related to energy and environment.

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