Invalidation Search

Making Novelty Argument in Invalidation Search

Doing invalidation search is not a rocket science still it requires acquaintances with patent regulatory norms and long exposure to patent search. This article underlines the reasons that invalidate a patent. What is the easiest catch available to a searcher and how to make a novelty argument. Making a novelty argument against any patent reference[…]

Patent Searches

Why You Must Have Patent Search Report Before Applying a Patent?

A Patent Search Report or Patentabity Search Report is a search of already existing patents and other available documents (i.e. prior art). It makes sure that your invention is unique. It also assures that your invention does not infringe ‘existing’ patents.  Let us first know what a ‘patent’ is.   What is a patent? A patent[…]

Patent Search Companies

Professional Patent Searches: Importance and Necessities

Should I conduct a search on my own? Should I go for Professional Patent Searches  or to other patent search companies ?  These are the questions you would be facing as an inventor or a business organization before you go for ‘patenting’ your invention. One of the major factors which actually initiates such questions is the[…]

Need for Industrial Design Patent Searches

An industrial design is also known as design patent or design registration. It represents the aesthetic aspect of an article. Industrial Design Patent Searches are considered as novelty searches (also, known as design patent search). Moreover, it focus on three-dimensional features i.e  shape of an article & two-dimensional features like patterns, lines or color.   The owner[…]

Design Patent

Databases for Design Patent Search

Design patent is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of a functional item. Design Search helps you determine whether your proposed design is new and distinctive, and therefore worth registering. Further, because of design search, you may determine if someone has registered a similar design. Thus, using that information a manufacturer[…]

Searching Patents

Important Points to Consider while Searching Patents

The arena of search is evolving and thus we need to adapt ourselves as per the changing rules. Thus patent search is something that not only requires techno-legal expertise, but also a watchful mind wherein we keep on tracking the changing behavior of patent search databases and patent search engines. With the advent of latest[…]

Resources for Searching Prior Art – Technical Reports

Searching prior art is one of the most important tasks that we accomplish before moving on to invest our resources into a product launch. A well performed prior art search increases the chances of getting your inventions protected. There are various resources through which prior arts can be collected and technical reports are one among[…]

Patent Search

Do You Need a Patent Search?

While identifying the prior-art documents related to your invention, it becomes pertinent to carry out a patent search. In modern times, patent documents have become one of the most important technical documents. Moreover, patent documents may contain information on new research activities. Thus, the patent literature has a good portion of the scientific knowledge, especially[…]

Patent Searches

Role of a Patent Search

This Search helps to determine the relevance of an invention in light of the existing art. A patent search is pivotal for companies and researchers to define their IP strategies, identifying potential blocking patents before entering a market, determine state of the art, and locating potential infringers to exploit their portfolios to earn profits. Major[…]