Classifications in patent search

Understanding Types of Classifications in Patent Search

Classifications in patent search is a system for patent office examiners or other people to code documents. For example, patent applications published according to the technical features of their content. Patent classification systems were originally developed for sorting paper documents. But, nowadays, you may use them to search patent databases as well. In addition to[…]

Searching Patents

Important Points to Consider while Searching Patents

The arena of search is evolving and thus we need to adapt ourselves as per the changing rules. Thus patent search is something that not only requires techno-legal expertise, but also a watchful mind wherein we keep on tracking the changing behavior of patent search databases and patent search engines. With the advent of latest[…]

Resources for Searching Prior Art – Technical Reports

Searching prior art is one of the most important tasks that we accomplish before moving on to invest our resources into a product launch. A well performed prior art search increases the chances of getting your inventions protected. There are various resources through which prior arts can be collected and technical reports are one among[…]