Patent Search

Do You Need a Patent Search?

While identifying the prior-art documents related to your invention, it becomes pertinent to carry out a patent search. In modern times, patent documents have become one of the most important technical documents. Moreover, patent documents may contain information on new research activities. Thus, the patent literature has a good portion of the scientific knowledge, especially[…]

Patent Searches

Role of a Patent Search

This Search helps to determine the relevance of an invention in light of the existing art. A patent search is pivotal for companies and researchers to define their IP strategies, identifying potential blocking patents before entering a market, determine state of the art, and locating potential infringers to exploit their portfolios to earn profits. Major[…]

Freedom-to-Operate Search

When to perform a Freedom-to-Operate Search

Freedom-to-Operate Search (“right-to-use” or “clearance” search) is a search used to determine whether or not you have freedom to make, use, and sell your invention. Freedom-to-Operate is established when a patent has not been infringed or has otherwise expired. When is Freedom-to-Operate Search Conducted? The Freedom-to-Operate Search is usually conducted prior to bringing a new[…]

Patent Landscape Search

What is a Patent Landscape Search

Patent landscape search provides a snap-shot of the patent state of affairs in a specific technology, a given country, region, or globally. Usually, a patent landscape search begins with a prior-art search. And, it is basically one very comprehensive form of the same involving a deeper analysis of patent.  It, sometimes, also involves non-patent references[…]

Patent Search

Time Requirement for a Patent Search

The Patent search is conducted before filing a patent application. It involves comparison with already existing patents. And, it also involves a detailed examination of them. You can hire experienced patent professionals for your patent search. Professionals know more about patent search techniques and methods. Consequently, the outcomes or results are very strong and reliable.[…]

Patent Documents

Challenges in Searching Foreign Patent Documents

Generally, patent documents for the full text of foreign patent searching is performed through the databases of individual patenting authorities. Major authorities such as the U.S., U.K, EPO, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, and WIPO provide online access to their databases. While performing a search, the searcher must know the ranges of dates that individual foreign patent[…]