Patent Search

Time Requirement for a Patent Search

The Patent search is conducted before filing a patent application. It involves comparison with already existing patents. And, it also involves a detailed examination of them. You can hire experienced patent professionals for your patent search. Professionals know more about patent search techniques and methods. Consequently, the outcomes or results are very strong and reliable.[…]

Patent Documents

Challenges in Searching Foreign Patent Documents

Generally, patent documents for the full text of foreign patent searching is performed through the databases of individual patenting authorities. Major authorities such as the U.S., U.K, EPO, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, and WIPO provide online access to their databases. While performing a search, the searcher must know the ranges of dates that individual foreign patent[…]

Patent Claims

Understanding Patent Claims

Patent Claims, when said in simple words, define your invention. They also describe the scope of the patent protection which you are applying for. This, in turn, makes it necessary to carefully draft your patent claims.  Likewise, the scope of many prior-art searches, including the validity search is determined by the selected claims of an[…]

European Patent Classification System

Understanding European Patent Classification System (ECLA)

European Patent Classification System of codes classifies inventions according to the technical areas they belong to. Patent offices worldwide use one or other classification system to organize the several patents filed in the respective offices. Patent applications are classified in classification schemes on the basis of their technical content. They are assigned classification symbols, for example[…]

Patent classification system

Understanding US Patent Classification System

Patent offices system worldwide use one or another classification system to organize the numerous patents filed therewith. A classification scheme is a system of codes that groups inventions according to technical area. In general, the US Patent classification system is one of the most important national patent classification systems. It is heavily relied by many[…]