Patent Monitoring Report

Patent Monitoring Report: Learn All its Elements

Patent Monitoring Report comprises of your competitor’s patent portfolio to compare and analyze the quality of your products or services. It provide insights about the futuristic IP trends which are critical for your work, and keep a competitive eye on competitors. In this article, we will understand the various elements of a Patent Monitoring Report.[…]

Novelty Search Basics: Things You Should Know

A novelty search or more popularly known as a patentability search is the  first and foremost search conducted to determine whether an invention is novel or not. It is much better to learn about the novelty search basics before preceding further for the patent prosecution process. What is a Novelty Search or Patentability Search? A novelty[…]

Patentability Search Basics: Things you should know

Patentability Search Basics: Things You Should Know

We will discuss about patentability search basics and some other general queries regarding it in this article. No patent law requires you to conduct a patentability search or patent novelty search. But, however, you must not omit this important process. Patentability Search Basics A patentability search or patent novelty search is a search of the prior[…]

Industrial Designs

What are Industrial Designs and how to protect them?

Industrial Designs are the application of designing products, devices, objects, and/or services. Several people use them across the globe, everyday. Presenting things in a creative manner is an art in itself. And, it is a useful option to generate income and/or revenue. However, you must create the design according to the existing legal and IP[…]

Patent Invalidity Searches

Understanding the Nuances of Patent Invalidity Searches

Patent invalidity searches or patent validity searches are similar to one another. The only fact is that the end results are different. The end results of such patent searches are either valid or invalid patent claims. Also, the results depend much on the intention to enforce the validity of a patent or  oppose the validity[…]

Patent classification system

Understanding US Patent Classification System

Patent offices system worldwide use one or another classification system to organize the numerous patents filed therewith. A classification scheme is a system of codes that groups inventions according to technical area. In general, the US Patent classification system is one of the most important national patent classification systems. It is heavily relied by many[…]

Need of Patentability Search Before Filing a Patent

Need of Patentability Search before Filing a Patent

Inventors don’t need to search the prior art before filing a patent application on their invention. So why one must invest time and money on a patentability searches? Patentability search identifies prior art references that are relevant to the patentability of an invention. Search results include published patents, both US and foreign, as well as[…]

Legal Status Data

Sources of Patent Legal Status Data

Legal Status Data is the information  part of the patent document. These documents are provided by patent owners. This, in turn, helps patent offices in learning the insights and/or value of a patent. Legal data contains all data related to legal events or actions as defined by the respective patent law and/or regulations of a[…]