Patent Landscape: Everything you need to know

The patent landscape is a step-by-step process that provides to study various patent research areas. It provides valuable insights into the innovations or patent data containing business, scientific, and technological trends. Thus it is focused on a particular technology at the national or international level. The patent landscape report contains technical analytics used by startups,[…]

Key Steps for Patent Landscape Analysis

New research-based innovation is getting increasingly costly, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. It is a significant loss if, after investing a significant amount of money and time, one cannot market their innovation due to unanticipated issues with third-party patents. As a result, most innovative and research-driven firms have begun outsourcing patent landscape studies for their future[…]

3 Best Practices for Conducting Biological Sequence Searches

Biological sequence search is becoming central to bioinformatics and modern biology. It helps to identify the prior references for nucleotide (DNA, RNA) and protein sequences to determine the similarities and differences that the sequences of nucleotides or amino acids exhibit. The sequence search helps to compare, align, index, and analyze biological sequences.  There are two[…]

Product Clearance Search Is Important for Innovators: Know How & Why?

Product Clearance Search is also referred to as patent infringement search or patent clearance search. It is a process conducted by innovators and organizations before launching their manufactured product in the market. This procedure involves critically analyzing the already issued patents as well as pending patent applications. Clearance search provides the best route for examining[…]

patent strength analysis

Patent Strength Analysis: Important Details You Must Know!

Patent strength analysis is a must in today’s rapidly changing world. A firm’s intellectual property- Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks are the most important asset. It decides the company’s future and growth.  It is important to focus on quality rather than quantity. A patent may go through multiple legal stages.  Litigation is one of the parameters that[…]

Patent Strength Analysis

Professional Patent Searcher: Key to Rejection Proof Application!

A patent search is an integral part of the whole Patent application process. However, Inventors and organizations underrate the need for the professional patent searcher. As a result, they sometimes face a major issue during the patent application process and end up wasting resources. However, professionals are fully aware of patent search techniques  and can[…]