Professional Patent Searcher: Key to Rejection Proof Application!

A patent search is an integral part of the whole Patent application process. However, Inventors and organizations underrate the need for the professional patent searcher. As a result, they sometimes face a major issue during the patent application process and end up wasting resources. However, professionals are fully aware of patent search techniques  and can save these resources. Here we will discuss the benefits of a professional search instead of doing it on your own.

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Benefits of Professional Patent Searcher

There are numerous benefits to a professional searcher. Here we discuss these benefits of professional search overdoing it by oneself.

Reveals More Information

In case, Professional find out prior art similar to your invention. Firms can use that information to refine their invention. This can lead to innovation. Also, Apart from the prior art, Firms gain insights about developments and latest trends in the domain. New findings in technology can become a base for innovation. One can also gain knowledge about the competitor’s strategy.

Fast Results

Patent searching is a burdensome process for a non-expert. Hence, They end up taking more time. This is a huge waste of a resource. The primary benefit of professionalism is time-efficiency. They are more familiar with tools, strategies and databases to search the prior art. Your patent drafting team can draft better patent applications with such accurate input from the searcher. This ensures fewer chances of rejection by USPTO. Therefore, More chances of securing a patent as soon as possible and use for commercial purpose.

Efficient R&D

A Professional patent searcher will come up with crucial and relevant data that will eventually help R&D. Going through the patents and prior art, Firms can smartly invest their resources in R&D.

Experienced searchers have more legal knowledge and better strategies. They know how to search through databases and can also search about filings around the globe. Also, they have accurate knowledge of what to search in what databases. Also, their experience and network make sure they are up to date with every database and technique. This ensures a good turn-around time with quality results. Firms who hire professional searchers have an edge over others as their R&D can change their approach based on the results. It helps to increase the novelty of the payment. Patent searcher ensures that it’s hard for examiners to find prior art and reject your application.

Also Read: Patent Search Types: ‘The Major Eight’

Strong Patent Application

Professional patent searcher help in creating a sound patent application. These reports give a complete idea about the technology or domain. With their help, One can draft better claims than existing patents and saves you from potential infringement.  Professional  Searchers are former Patent agents,  IP attorneys, and Patent examiners, So they have to experience in innovation-related legal affairs. They go through the search as a patent examiner i.e. with the same mindset and vision.  Patent searchers find the closest prior art and you can draft very accurate and narrow claims.

Non-Patent Literature Search

Firms only go through patent databases to search prior art. They fail to realize that even non-patent prior art can harm their innovation. The professional patent searcher has sound knowledge of non-patent literature sources like scientific journals, Publications, etc. They know exactly where to look for prior art related to any domain. Also, Professionals are aware of the best strategies to search Non-patent literature.

In conclusion, Firms must realize that only a professional searcher can think like a patent examiner who is there to reject your patent. There are millions of patent registered, It’s hard for firms to find the best result out of it. Also, Some firms are afraid of finding prior art and fail to realize that finding prior art in the early-stage saves time and money.

Need a Professional Patent Searcher? Hire us!

The Patent search firm has over a decade of experience in the IP field. Our team covers possibly every technical domain. Over 6500+  happy clients in 60+ countries. We go through every database to deliver precise results. Also, The clients can check the status of the work at any stage of the process. Moreover, 100 % customer satisfaction is our top priority. To know more, visit our service page: The Patent Search Firm.

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