Chemical Structure Patent Search Databases

Chemical Structure Patent Search is the term that is becoming common in IP professionals. Due to research and development in the field of biotechnology, researchers have to look for chemical structures. Moreover, Chemical Structure Patent Search is effective. When you do it prudently, it can give valuable insights about a particular compound, molecule or salt. Therefore, you may recognize the names of chemical compounds in patent texts and determine novelty of a compound. Moreover, you may correlate the structure(s) of a compound with its chemical or physical properties. A complete chemical structure search is the way to answer all these. Therefore, it’s important to undertake a structure search that is accurate, true and complete.

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What is Chemical Structure Patent Search?

A complete chemical structure patent search help you answer questions that occur to you while dealing with chemical compounds. Thus, researchers, active in the domain of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, textiles, agro-chemicals and others, are undertaking this search. A full and complete chemical structure search can help in many ways and some of them are as follows:

  • It helps in recognizing the names of chemical compounds in patent texts
  • With this we can assess the novelty of a compound
  • Moreover, we can correlate the structure(s) of a compound with its chemical or physical properties
  • Helps individuals correlating the structure(s) of a compound with its biological activities
  • Also, it helps individual avoid the complexities of nomenclature
  • Find competitive products or market leads of a particular compound

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Chemical Structure Patent Search Databases

However, unlike searching a product search, much of the success in a chemical structure search depends on databases we usually use. Therefore, it’s important for us to use databases that are authentic, reliable and credible. With this article, we intend to list some of the databases. We can rely upon them since millions of patent search professionals trust them. You may use these databases without paying any fees or charges. Thus, we don’t need a premium account.


This is one of the most important structure search databases. Moreover, it’s common among IP professionals. In 2004, it got released. The division of PubChem into three linked databases within the NCBI‘s Entrez information retrieval system makes it hassle-free. These three linked databases are PubChem Substance, PubChem Compound, PubChem BioAssay. Also, it’s famous for providing credible information on the biological activities of small molecules.


Royal Society of Chemistry maintains and publishes this chemical search databases. If you use the database prudently, it can provide plenty of insights pertaining to a chemical, molecule or substance. This database is very handy. Moreover, with it, we can find various properties and characteristics of a substance. Some of the characteristics those we can find with this database are:

  • Systematic name of the substance
  • Synonyms of the drug/chemical/substance
  • Trade names
  • Registry number
  • InChl
  • CSID
  • Structure of the substance
  • Molecular formula
  • Properties


ChemDB is the IGB Chemical Database. It’s the most diverse and useful set of chemoinformatics tools and applications available to the public. Moreover, it consists of applications like Chemical Search, Virtual Chemical Space, Reaction Explorer, COSMOS and Reaction Predictor. These said applications can help searchers identify the true nature of a compound or substance.


This is one of the most advanced and sophisticated search engines. Chemists, around the world, use it frequently. This database also supports mobile devices. Moreover, it works well to draw structures on something like an iPad.

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The Patent Search Firm – Our Services

The Patent Search Firm (TPSF) offers Chemical Structure Patent Search service at reasonable price. We provide full assistance and results on time. Our team has handled several projects successfully. As a result, our portfolio has clients from more than 60+ countries. Moreover, our dedication has made us come this far. We have been in the industry for a decade now. If you want to use our hassle-free service, please click here – The Patent Search Firm.

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