Why Patentability Search Reports are Important for Inventors? 

Why Patentability Search Reports are Important for Inventors, Scientists and Engineers ? Especially in this era when everything is available on the web/ internet?

Why can’t they just rely on the web and journals which are freely available to everybody? These are some of the questions you (as scientist or engineer) might think about before going to file for your invention.

Well! The answer lies in this article.

Your ideas or invention can be used as revenue generating source. The chances of that increase in today’s world of high financial intelligence. This can happen when the idea is created, developed, filed, protected, and monetized wisely.

You run the risk of re-inventing the wheel without putting a comprehensive patent creating strategy in place. You may also end up with an invention that has no commercial value in the present scenario.

In addition, a comprehensive patent search for scientists and engineers especially, is something that cannot be ignored when it comes to developing a strong patent generating strategy.

Patentability Search Reports for scientists and engineers become even more important because they are investing their energy and resources into it for years. And thus it is important that, at the end, their investments return some benefits.

Why we need Patentability Search Reports?

Patent Search for Scientists and Engineers is crucial for several reasons. Some of them are:

Determining Novelty 

A patent is granted only to novel inventions. In other words, for an invention to be ‘patented’, it is important that it meets the criteria of Novelty.

Patents are legal and technical documents containing details of an invention (granted or filed). These patent documents in a patent search database could disclose much more valuable information that can help users determine if their idea is novel.

Determining degree of the probability of rejection 

You may not rule out the chances of rejection even if your invention is novel. That is so because there are many parameters taken into consideration while getting your invention patented. For example, the invention may not be granted a patent if it can’t be reproduced through industrial processes .

Thus, Patent Filing, in some cases, may require ample amount of expense. Therefore, in order to avoid patent office rejections and save unnecessary expense, you should go for a patent search before investing your energy and resources into it.

Elaborate technical information 

A web search may be useful in finding a mobile handset/leather wallet but it may not be worthy when it comes to determining the technical specification of an invention. Comprehensive patent searches give you full technical information related to your invention which other resources like journals and product brochures may not.

Determining state of the art 

You may want to determine the state of the art before you invest your hard-earned resources into your invention. For instance, what is the legal status of patents similar to the your invention. And others like relevant patent citations, related non-patent literature references, existing competitors, and portfolio trends etc. All such important information can be gained through patent search.


Knowledge of current and previous research i.e., Patentability Search Reports for Inventors, Scientists and Engineers at every stage is important.

Reviewing both patent and technical literature directly affects your invention’s future, from basic research to generating revenue from your invention. It, thus, assists you to make wise business decisions.

Patent Search should be performed at the beginning when scientists and engineers are planning/working on the invention. Skipping this step might cost Scientists and Engineers a heavy cost of infringement and litigation.

Get your Search Done by the Best!

The Patent Search Firm, with highly experienced work experts from virtually all technology areas, has been serving clients, over the years, from all across the globe.

TPSF  helps you take IP and business decisions quickly and confidently. Whether it’s about filing or defending a patent application, or any other decision important for you.

The company’s searches are easy, accurate and cost-effective. It also ensures timely delivery of the output.

TPSF lives by the motto, “Excellence in every engagement” – and you will experience it in every interaction you have with the company.

Go through our services or request free samples, here.

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