Invalidation Search

Making Novelty Argument in Invalidation Search

Doing invalidation search is not a rocket science still it requires acquaintances with patent regulatory norms and long exposure to patent search. This article underlines the reasons that invalidate a patent. What is the easiest catch available to a searcher and how to make a novelty argument. Making a novelty argument against any patent reference[…]

Patentability Search Reports

Why Patentability Search Reports are Important for Inventors? 

Why Patentability Search Reports are Important for Inventors, Scientists and Engineers ? Especially in this era when everything is available on the web/ internet? Why can’t they just rely on the web and journals which are freely available to everybody? These are some of the questions you (as scientist or engineer) might think about before[…]

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

While dealing with intellectual property rights, a confusing aspect is the Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search. People often use them interchangeably which isn’t true. Therefore, you must understand the difference between the two in terms of time and money. You perform a Patent search to analyze whether an invention follows the basic[…]

Full Chemical Structure Search

Full Chemical Structure Search- Understanding the Basics

What is Chemical Structure Search? Chemical structure search is one of the most important kinds of patent searches performed these days by patent search professionals and if done prudently can offer tons of information to the searcher about the molecule, compounds or salts. Companies from various verticals of the industry including biotechnology, food processing, and[…]