Patentability Searches vs. Patent Clearance Searches

Patentability Searches vs. Patent Clearance Searches

The purpose of a patentability searches is to gain an indication as to whether or not a patent claim for an invention is likely to meet the requirements of the patent statute. The purpose of a patent clearance search is to gain an indication as to whether or not exploiting a product in a particular[…]

Need of Patentability Search Before Filing a Patent

Need of Patentability Search before Filing a Patent

Inventors don’t need to search the prior art before filing a patent application on their invention. So why one must invest time and money on a patentability searches? Patentability search identifies prior art references that are relevant to the patentability of an invention. Search results include published patents, both US and foreign, as well as[…]

Patentability Search

Basics of Conducting a Patentability Search

Do I need to patentability search? If you’re a person who has invented something, patenting it was you first thought. However, patenting an invention has become a multi-step process due to the massive amount of patent literature. You can patent an invention only if it’s novel, non-obvious, and useful. If your invention doesn’t fall under[…]