How To Conduct Patent Search A Quick Guide

How To Conduct Patent Search: A Quick Guide

It is essential for one to conduct patent search before the patent filing process. It is so because patent search plays a huge role in avoiding patent infringement which reduces the cost of the applicant. A patent search is a subset of the prior art search where one mentions similar ideas in academic and technical[…]

Indian Patent Search Firms

Indian Patent Search Firms are Emerging Fast: Learn Why?

When it comes to outsourcing, India is the country that remains at the top rung of the ladder. In this article, we will analyze the reasons, why Indian Patent Search Firms are emerging fast. After successful IT outsourcing model the country is now witnessing a rise in outsourcing of non-IT operations including patent search support/[…]

Patent Watch Search

How Important a Patent Watch Search is?

Inculcating the term “Search” with “Patent Watch” refers to the process of checking the patents frequently. You may use various sources to do patent watch search. Generally, searchers watch official journals, databases, and online sites for newly published or pending patent applications. However, you may set patent watch search limit on the basis of the[…]

Need of Patentability Search Before Filing a Patent

Need of Patentability Search before Filing a Patent

Inventors don’t need to search the prior art before filing a patent application on their invention. So why one must invest time and money on a patentability searches? Patentability search identifies prior art references that are relevant to the patentability of an invention. Search results include published patents, both US and foreign, as well as[…]