Design Patent 101

Design Patents 101 – Introduction

Design patents as the name suggests are legal protection of the ornamental design, characteristics, and configuration of a utility article. In other words, it is known as an industrial design right.  It does not include a listing of any structure or any textual description of the design. Instead, it simply protects the design of the[…]

Industrial Designs

What are Industrial Designs and how to protect them?

Industrial Designs are the application of designing products, devices, objects, and/or services. Several people use them across the globe, everyday. Presenting things in a creative manner is an art in itself. And, it is a useful option to generate income and/or revenue. However, you must create the design according to the existing legal and IP[…]

Design Search

Basics of Design Search

Design search is prudent when you want to protect the aesthetic configuration of an object. In most jurisdictions, a design patent or registration is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of a functional item. The Office grants design patent if the design doesn’t change the functionality of the object but gives[…]