Patent Monitoring Alert Reports

5 Key Benefits of Patent Monitoring Alert Reports

Keeping an eye on patent that can be yours or someone else’s is called as patent monitoring. Patent Monitoring Alert Reports help keeping you abreast about granted patents and new patent applications. It helps identify problems at an early stage. Also Read: Patent Monitoring: Basic Facts New technologies are emerging out for market recognition, every[…]

Design Patent 101

Design Patents 101 – Introduction

Design patents as the name suggests are legal protection of the ornamental design, characteristics, and configuration of a utility article. In other words, it is known as an industrial design right.  It does not include a listing of any structure or any textual description of the design. Instead, it simply protects the design of the[…]

Patent search types The major eight

Patent Search Types: ‘The Major Eight’

The world is changing from a product-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. knowledge will be a pivotal element in driving the economy of a specific country to its maximum potential. The advent of Intellectual Property regimen and globalization creates a system where companies can protect their intellectual properties. However, with the increase in number of[…]

Creepy Device Patent:

Creepy Device Patent: Technology Is Just Not Reliable Anymore!

creepy device patent “Technology is, of course, a double-edged sword.” – Jason Silva Words mentioned above by Jason Silva are correct to the best of its significance. No doubt, technology patents has changed us, making us more powerful and useful; but lazy and dependent at the same time. The techniques that started as aides to our[…]

Industrial Design Search

Industrial Design Search – Ways and Overview

Industrial design search is the most important kinds of IPs that are granted for aesthetic appearance of an article. It can reap great benefits to the owner of the design. Hence it is important to protect it before you launch your product in the market. Protecting industrial designs becomes even more important for those firms[…]