Need for Industrial Design Patent Searches

An industrial design is also known as design patent or design registration. It represents the aesthetic aspect of an article. Industrial Design Patent Searches are considered as novelty searches (also, known as design patent search). Moreover, it focus on three-dimensional features i.e  shape of an article & two-dimensional features like patterns, lines or color.   The owner[…]

Utility Patent Vs Design Patent – Important Differences

Utility Patent Vs Design Patent – Important Differences

In this article, we will discuss some key points regarding utility patent vs design patent. Patents are legal rights that protect new and non-obvious inventions and their procedures. Generally, patents are classified into three major types. They are utility, design, and plant patents. Each patent has its individual eligibility requirements and secures specific type of[…]

Design Patent

Databases for Design Patent Search

Design patent is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of a functional item. Design Search helps you determine whether your proposed design is new and distinctive, and therefore worth registering. Further, because of design search, you may determine if someone has registered a similar design. Thus, using that information a manufacturer[…]

Industrial Design Search

Industrial Design Search – Ways and Overview

Industrial design search is the most important kinds of IPs that are granted for aesthetic appearance of an article. It can reap great benefits to the owner of the design. Hence it is important to protect it before you launch your product in the market. Protecting industrial designs becomes even more important for those firms[…]