
Patent Search Affects Your Business: Learn How?

If you’re a business then you’d want to make sure that you can freely develop/sell your products in the market. You need to understand how a patent search affects your business before thinking of getting any form of protection. You wouldn’t want to infringe on another entity’s intellectual property while creating a product. Hence, you[…]

Introduction to Freedom to Operate Search 1

Introduction to Freedom to Operate Search

You came up with an amazing invention, patented it and now you want to make money out of it. But hold on! Conduct the freedom to operate search. A Freedom to operate or FTO search ensures that a product does not infringe valid, in-force patents held within a country. Unlike patentability search, freedom to operate[…]

Patentability Search Basics: Things you should know

Patentability Search Basics: Things You Should Know

We will discuss about patentability search basics and some other general queries regarding it in this article. No patent law requires you to conduct a patentability search or patent novelty search. But, however, you must not omit this important process. Patentability Search Basics A patentability search or patent novelty search is a search of the prior[…]