Patent Novelty Search (Complete Guide for 2020)

Patent Novelty Search (Complete Guide for 2020)

When you’re determining whether to file a patent application with the USPTO, you must conduct a patent novelty search first. In order for you to get a patent, your invention must satisfy the 3 patentability criterions. These are novelty, non-obviousness, and industrial applicability. You determine the novelty (originality) aspect by conducting a patent novelty search (also known as prior[…]

A complete guide to patent novelty search

A Complete Guide to Patent Novelty Search

What is Patent Novelty Search or Novelty Search? What is the need of Novelty Search? We are wondering whether these questions have ever occurred to you. Well, if you’re thinking about patenting an invention, then you must know the answers to these questions. Certainly, you don’t want to invest your resources in already disclosed invention.[…]

Patent search types The major eight

Patent Search Types: ‘The Major Eight’

The world is changing from a product-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. knowledge will be a pivotal element in driving the economy of a specific country to its maximum potential. The advent of Intellectual Property regimen and globalization creates a system where companies can protect their intellectual properties. However, with the increase in number of[…]

Patentability Search Basics: Things you should know

Patentability Search Basics: Things You Should Know

We will discuss about patentability search basics and some other general queries regarding it in this article. No patent law requires you to conduct a patentability search or patent novelty search. But, however, you must not omit this important process. Patentability Search Basics A patentability search or patent novelty search is a search of the prior[…]