Patent Information Why it is Important

Patent Information: Why it is Important?

Patent information describes the technical data and legal data associated with patent documents and granted patents. The documents contain information written in a standardized format and categorized according to technical fields to make identifying relevant documents even easier.  The information contains a description of the following: Functioning of patent Claims determining the scope of protection[…]

Introduction to Freedom to Operate Search 1

Introduction to Freedom to Operate Search

You came up with an amazing invention, patented it and now you want to make money out of it. But hold on! Conduct the freedom to operate search. A Freedom to operate or FTO search ensures that a product does not infringe valid, in-force patents held within a country. Unlike patentability search, freedom to operate[…]

Legal Status Data

Sources of Patent Legal Status Data

Legal Status Data is the information  part of the patent document. These documents are provided by patent owners. This, in turn, helps patent offices in learning the insights and/or value of a patent. Legal data contains all data related to legal events or actions as defined by the respective patent law and/or regulations of a[…]