Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

While dealing with intellectual property rights, a confusing aspect is the Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search. People often use them interchangeably which isn’t true. Therefore, you must understand the difference between the two in terms of time and money. You perform a Patent search to analyze whether an invention follows the basic[…]

Patent Monitoring Report

Patent Monitoring Report: Learn All its Elements

Patent Monitoring Report comprises of your competitor’s patent portfolio to compare and analyze the quality of your products or services. It provide insights about the futuristic IP trends which are critical for your work, and keep a competitive eye on competitors. In this article, we will understand the various elements of a Patent Monitoring Report.[…]

Patentability Search Basics: Things you should know

Patentability Search Basics: Things You Should Know

We will discuss about patentability search basics and some other general queries regarding it in this article. No patent law requires you to conduct a patentability search or patent novelty search. But, however, you must not omit this important process. Patentability Search Basics A patentability search or patent novelty search is a search of the prior[…]

Validity Search

Invalidity or Validity Search and its Basics

“Invalidity” and “Validity Search” are essentially the same. Both these searches find relevant prior-art documents relevent enough to invalidate the claims of the target patent. Specifically, the invalidity search find prior-art documents to invalidate the claims of the target patent; and the validity search establish enforceability of the claims of the target patent. Invalidity search[…]