Importance Of Patent Invalidity Search

Importance of Patent Invalidity Search

Patent invalidity search is also known as patent invalidation or opposition study. This study is conducted to plainly distinguish between valid patent and non-patent documents. This study helps in either validating the claims stated in a patent or invalidating the claims mentioned in the competitor’s patent. Moreover, this study also helps in examining the non-obviousness[…]

Patent information

Patent Information: Details Leading to Huge Profits

Patent information searches aids in patent filing and case of patent litigation. However, this traditional approach is changing. This information is now a major part of patent strategy, the credit goes to computerised databases. It contains the details of published patents along with the referred books. It also includes utility models, utility certificates, and inventor’s[…]

Indian Patent Search Firms

Indian Patent Search Firms are Emerging Fast: Learn Why?

When it comes to outsourcing, India is the country that remains at the top rung of the ladder. In this article, we will analyze the reasons, why Indian Patent Search Firms are emerging fast. After successful IT outsourcing model the country is now witnessing a rise in outsourcing of non-IT operations including patent search support/[…]