Patent search types The major eight

Patent Search Types: ‘The Major Eight’

The world is changing from a product-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. knowledge will be a pivotal element in driving the economy of a specific country to its maximum potential. The advent of Intellectual Property regimen and globalization creates a system where companies can protect their intellectual properties. However, with the increase in number of[…]

Novelty Search Basics: Things You Should Know

A novelty search or more popularly known as a patentability search is the  first and foremost search conducted to determine whether an invention is novel or not. It is much better to learn about the novelty search basics before preceding further for the patent prosecution process. What is a Novelty Search or Patentability Search? A novelty[…]

Patent Invalidity Searches

Understanding the Nuances of Patent Invalidity Searches

Patent invalidity searches or patent validity searches are similar to one another. The only fact is that the end results are different. The end results of such patent searches are either valid or invalid patent claims. Also, the results depend much on the intention to enforce the validity of a patent or  oppose the validity[…]