Patent Monitoring Report

Patent Monitoring Report: Learn All its Elements

Patent Monitoring Report comprises of your competitor’s patent portfolio to compare and analyze the quality of your products or services. It provide insights about the futuristic IP trends which are critical for your work, and keep a competitive eye on competitors. In this article, we will understand the various elements of a Patent Monitoring Report.[…]

Strong Patent

Strong Patents: Benefits & Ways To Achieve

You will get to hear sometimes that a strong patent can obstruct further scope of innovation. To the contrary, consumers will be benefitted to the maximum if a patent is strong. If you are the owner of a strong patent, automatically you will be able to act as a roadblock to your competitors. Not only[…]

Patent Invalidity Searches

Understanding the Nuances of Patent Invalidity Searches

Patent invalidity searches or patent validity searches are similar to one another. The only fact is that the end results are different. The end results of such patent searches are either valid or invalid patent claims. Also, the results depend much on the intention to enforce the validity of a patent or  oppose the validity[…]

FTO Search

What if FTO Search Reveals a Blocking Patent

A Freedom to Operate (FTO) search is conducted to ensure a product does not infringe valid in-force patents. These patents are held within a country/region where an organization intends to conduct business. FTO Search is also known as Freedom to Practice search.  The organization may have some options available even after FTO search provides existence[…]