Patent Information Why it is Important

Patent Information: Why it is Important?

Patent information describes the technical data and legal data associated with patent documents and granted patents. The documents contain information written in a standardized format and categorized according to technical fields to make identifying relevant documents even easier.  The information contains a description of the following: Functioning of patent Claims determining the scope of protection[…]

Patent Search Techniques Know Them All

Patent Search Techniques: Know Them All

An applicant needs to conduct an extensive patent search much before filing a patent application. You can find the most trustworthy tools and patent search techniques available online. In this particular article, we will learn in detail about patent search techniques and everything you need to know about it. What is a Patent Search? You[…]

What is prior art

What is Prior-Art?

A Prior-Art is everything about your invention, already available in public before the registration. This simply means that the invention is no longer a novel.  It is basically a proof that an invention like yours exists, already. Prior-art is when someone has previously described or  made something very similar to your invention. National patent laws[…]