Inculcating the term “Search” with “Patent Watch” refers to the process of checking the patents frequently. You may use various sources to do patent watch search. Generally, searchers watch official journals, databases, and online sites for newly published or pending patent applications. However, you may set patent watch search limit on the basis of the requirements specified initially. Several reasons make corporates conduct patent watch search on the basis of their individual specifications. Some might want to check their competitors in the market. On the other hand, others might want to double check if their service or products are being infringed.
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Why Do You Need Patent Watch Search?
Overall, the main aim to conduct the watch search is to bring awareness. Moreover, you get to know market strategy, competitor’s potential resources, or strength of your goods. The following are the plenty of reasons so as why one must step forward to conduct the patent watch search.
Novelty or Perform Prior Art Search
A very basic reason behind conducting a patent watch search is to determine the novelty in content. As a result, you may reduce their legal expenditure for performing extra R&D. Clients also clout report references to produce a better quality of draft. Therefore, you can present detailed prior art to the examiners at the time of prosecution at the PTAB.
Product Clearance, Right-to-Use or Perform Freedom-to-Operate Search
It is relatively important to search that your product is not infringing anyone else’s rights. You may do this by performing a product clearance search. Perhaps, you know the process by name right-to-use or freedom-to-operate. This will help you find out the market leading competitors for a specific technology area. As a result, you can avoid potential risk of infringement.
Validity or Invalidity Search
We perform an exhaustive validity search against the claims of any patent through our extensive domain experience and database coverage. Moreover, we work with some of the largest IP litigation firms in the United States. Our work has proven beneficial in hundreds of cases. Therefore, you can monitor potential infringement risks.
To perform Collection or State-of-the-Art Search
This can even provide you with an overview by reviewing published patents, applications, and non-patent literature. As a result, it will help you understand the future trends.
To Discover Competitive or Technical Intelligence
This can even help in identifying new competitive insights to help you manage business plans. It enables you to identify and monitor other people’s patent applications that may be challenged for opposition in future.
To Perform Subject Matter Specific Watch Search
Watch search can even be performed specific to a technical subject. Search is only carried for any newly published patents or patent applications in a particular technical subject matter field.
To Perform Search Specific to Proprietor/Applicant name
There is also a provision to perform patent watch search on the basis of a specific name. This is a good option in case you want full information about the leading competitor. As a result, you may know about your competitors’ technical improvements.
To Monitor Every Phase of Patent Process
Generally, patent applications frequently undergo amendment during examination. Therefore, it’s important to monitor every phase of patent application process. A third party patent application which appears to be an infringement risk of the process initially, may or may not remain such at the later stages. Monitoring is must to know about the risks associated with all the stages of patent process.
Related Article: Professional Patent Searches: Importance and Necessities
Hire The Patent Search Firm
We, at The Patent Search Firm, serve our corporate clients with a range of search services that helped them in increasing productivity by outsourcing basic search requests, reducing R&D risk with wide-ranging prior art searching, receiving supreme access to best-in-class sources and gaining fast, comprehensive results within budget.
For more details about our services, please visit our service page.
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