
Patent Search Affects Your Business: Learn How?

If you’re a business then you’d want to make sure that you can freely develop/sell your products in the market. You need to understand how a patent search affects your business before thinking of getting any form of protection. You wouldn’t want to infringe on another entity’s intellectual property while creating a product. Hence, you[…]

implement patent watching

Need to implement Patent Watching/Monitoring service?

The process to implement Patent Watching/Monitoring service at regular interval is the key to assure safety of your patents. It can be monitored from official journals, databases, online sites, etc. . Moreover, There are many reasons for firms to use patent watching search, such as to check competitors in the market, to prevent any patent[…]

Patent Search Techniques Know Them All

Patent Search Techniques: Know Them All

An applicant needs to conduct an extensive patent search much before filing a patent application. You can find the most trustworthy tools and patent search techniques available online. In this particular article, we will learn in detail about patent search techniques and everything you need to know about it. What is a Patent Search? You[…]

How To Conduct Patent Search A Quick Guide

How To Conduct Patent Search: A Quick Guide

It is essential for one to conduct patent search before the patent filing process. It is so because patent search plays a huge role in avoiding patent infringement which reduces the cost of the applicant. A patent search is a subset of the prior art search where one mentions similar ideas in academic and technical[…]

What is prior art

What is Prior-Art?

A Prior-Art is everything about your invention, already available in public before the registration. This simply means that the invention is no longer a novel.  It is basically a proof that an invention like yours exists, already. Prior-art is when someone has previously described or  made something very similar to your invention. National patent laws[…]

Patent Watch Benefits: What & How To Apply?

Patent watch assists in delivering regular updates about new patents, the status of applied patents and any modifications done in the existing patents. Let’s understand patent watch benefits and how to use them in your patent application. Patent Watch Benefits: What Are They? Firms conduct specific patent watches in a periodic manner i.e. on a[…]

Novelty Search Basics: Things You Should Know

A novelty search or more popularly known as a patentability search is the  first and foremost search conducted to determine whether an invention is novel or not. It is much better to learn about the novelty search basics before preceding further for the patent prosecution process. What is a Novelty Search or Patentability Search? A novelty[…]

Need of Patentability Search Before Filing a Patent

Need of Patentability Search before Filing a Patent

Inventors don’t need to search the prior art before filing a patent application on their invention. So why one must invest time and money on a patentability searches? Patentability search identifies prior art references that are relevant to the patentability of an invention. Search results include published patents, both US and foreign, as well as[…]