
Patent Search Affects Your Business: Learn How?

If you’re a business then you’d want to make sure that you can freely develop/sell your products in the market. You need to understand how a patent search affects your business before thinking of getting any form of protection. You wouldn’t want to infringe on another entity’s intellectual property while creating a product. Hence, you[…]

Patent Monitoring Alert Reports

5 Key Benefits of Patent Monitoring Alert Reports

Keeping an eye on patent that can be yours or someone else’s is called as patent monitoring. Patent Monitoring Alert Reports help keeping you abreast about granted patents and new patent applications. It helps identify problems at an early stage. Also Read: Patent Monitoring: Basic Facts New technologies are emerging out for market recognition, every[…]

How the WIPO Patent Search Helps

How the WIPO Patent Search Helps?

WIPO patent search is a crucial part of a patent application process. Generally, a patent protects the rights of an inventor within the country that issues the patent. However, it’s a difficult task to gain patent protection in multiple countries. Therefore, WIPO patent search helps you to attain patent protection in several countries. Moreover, the[…]

Patent Novelty Search (Complete Guide for 2020)

Patent Novelty Search (Complete Guide for 2020)

When you’re determining whether to file a patent application with the USPTO, you must conduct a patent novelty search first. In order for you to get a patent, your invention must satisfy the 3 patentability criterions. These are novelty, non-obviousness, and industrial applicability. You determine the novelty (originality) aspect by conducting a patent novelty search (also known as prior[…]

Patent search types The major eight

Patent Search Types: ‘The Major Eight’

The world is changing from a product-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. knowledge will be a pivotal element in driving the economy of a specific country to its maximum potential. The advent of Intellectual Property regimen and globalization creates a system where companies can protect their intellectual properties. However, with the increase in number of[…]

Novelty Search Basics: Things You Should Know

A novelty search or more popularly known as a patentability search is the  first and foremost search conducted to determine whether an invention is novel or not. It is much better to learn about the novelty search basics before preceding further for the patent prosecution process. What is a Novelty Search or Patentability Search? A novelty[…]

Patentability Search Basics: Things you should know

Patentability Search Basics: Things You Should Know

We will discuss about patentability search basics and some other general queries regarding it in this article. No patent law requires you to conduct a patentability search or patent novelty search. But, however, you must not omit this important process. Patentability Search Basics A patentability search or patent novelty search is a search of the prior[…]

Prior-Art Searches

Understanding Prior-Art and Prior-Art Searches

Prior-Art (or Prior-Art Searches) is one of the most important factor of success in a patent granting process. It is so because it determines the novelty of the invention. An existing and matching prior-art means your idea is not novel. And, hence, it is pointless to continue with such an idea. Thus, it is important[…]

Patentability Search

Basics of Conducting a Patentability Search

Do I need to patentability search? If you’re a person who has invented something, patenting it was you first thought. However, patenting an invention has become a multi-step process due to the massive amount of patent literature. You can patent an invention only if it’s novel, non-obvious, and useful. If your invention doesn’t fall under[…]