
Patent Search Affects Your Business: Learn How?

If you’re a business then you’d want to make sure that you can freely develop/sell your products in the market. You need to understand how a patent search affects your business before thinking of getting any form of protection. You wouldn’t want to infringe on another entity’s intellectual property while creating a product. Hence, you[…]

Patent Monitoring Alert Reports

5 Key Benefits of Patent Monitoring Alert Reports

Keeping an eye on patent that can be yours or someone else’s is called as patent monitoring. Patent Monitoring Alert Reports help keeping you abreast about granted patents and new patent applications. It helps identify problems at an early stage. Also Read: Patent Monitoring: Basic Facts New technologies are emerging out for market recognition, every[…]

Patentability Search Reports

Why Patentability Search Reports are Important for Inventors? 

Why Patentability Search Reports are Important for Inventors, Scientists and Engineers ? Especially in this era when everything is available on the web/ internet? Why can’t they just rely on the web and journals which are freely available to everybody? These are some of the questions you (as scientist or engineer) might think about before[…]

Utility Patent Vs Design Patent – Important Differences

Utility Patent Vs Design Patent – Important Differences

In this article, we will discuss some key points regarding utility patent vs design patent. Patents are legal rights that protect new and non-obvious inventions and their procedures. Generally, patents are classified into three major types. They are utility, design, and plant patents. Each patent has its individual eligibility requirements and secures specific type of[…]

Patent Search Techniques Know Them All

Patent Search Techniques: Know Them All

An applicant needs to conduct an extensive patent search much before filing a patent application. You can find the most trustworthy tools and patent search techniques available online. In this particular article, we will learn in detail about patent search techniques and everything you need to know about it. What is a Patent Search? You[…]

How To Conduct Patent Search A Quick Guide

How To Conduct Patent Search: A Quick Guide

It is essential for one to conduct patent search before the patent filing process. It is so because patent search plays a huge role in avoiding patent infringement which reduces the cost of the applicant. A patent search is a subset of the prior art search where one mentions similar ideas in academic and technical[…]

A complete guide to patent novelty search

A Complete Guide to Patent Novelty Search

What is Patent Novelty Search or Novelty Search? What is the need of Novelty Search? We are wondering whether these questions have ever occurred to you. Well, if you’re thinking about patenting an invention, then you must know the answers to these questions. Certainly, you don’t want to invest your resources in already disclosed invention.[…]

things to do before patenting something

Things to Do Before Patenting Something

With the advent of patent regimen, inventors can now monetize their ideas by knowing the facts before patenting something. Inventors now know that there are certain things to do before patenting something like a design, or utility of the process machine or product. However, the criterion is not limited to mere serving the purpose. There[…]

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

While dealing with intellectual property rights, a confusing aspect is the Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search. People often use them interchangeably which isn’t true. Therefore, you must understand the difference between the two in terms of time and money. You perform a Patent search to analyze whether an invention follows the basic[…]

What is prior art

What is Prior-Art?

A Prior-Art is everything about your invention, already available in public before the registration. This simply means that the invention is no longer a novel.  It is basically a proof that an invention like yours exists, already. Prior-art is when someone has previously described or  made something very similar to your invention. National patent laws[…]