Introduction to Freedom to Operate Search 1

Introduction to Freedom to Operate Search

You came up with an amazing invention, patented it and now you want to make money out of it. But hold on! Conduct the freedom to operate search. A Freedom to operate or FTO search ensures that a product does not infringe valid, in-force patents held within a country. Unlike patentability search, freedom to operate[…]

things to do before patenting something

Things to Do Before Patenting Something

With the advent of patent regimen, inventors can now monetize their ideas by knowing the facts before patenting something. Inventors now know that there are certain things to do before patenting something like a design, or utility of the process machine or product. However, the criterion is not limited to mere serving the purpose. There[…]

Design Patent 101

Design Patents 101 – Introduction

Design patents as the name suggests are legal protection of the ornamental design, characteristics, and configuration of a utility article. In other words, it is known as an industrial design right.  It does not include a listing of any structure or any textual description of the design. Instead, it simply protects the design of the[…]

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search

While dealing with intellectual property rights, a confusing aspect is the Patent Search vs Freedom to Operate FTO Search. People often use them interchangeably which isn’t true. Therefore, you must understand the difference between the two in terms of time and money. You perform a Patent search to analyze whether an invention follows the basic[…]

Patent search types The major eight

Patent Search Types: ‘The Major Eight’

The world is changing from a product-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. knowledge will be a pivotal element in driving the economy of a specific country to its maximum potential. The advent of Intellectual Property regimen and globalization creates a system where companies can protect their intellectual properties. However, with the increase in number of[…]

What is prior art

What is Prior-Art?

A Prior-Art is everything about your invention, already available in public before the registration. This simply means that the invention is no longer a novel.  It is basically a proof that an invention like yours exists, already. Prior-art is when someone has previously described or  made something very similar to your invention. National patent laws[…]

Significance Of Patent Watching

Significance of Patent Watching

Inculcating the term, ‘search’ with ‘patent watching’ refers to a process of checking the patents at a regular period from official journals, databases, online sites, etc. for newly published granted or pending patent applications from the requirements specified at the beginning of the watch. There are many reasons due to which corporates conduct a patent[…]

Patent Watch Types

Patent Watch Types | 6 Quintessential

Patent Watch is the process of keeping an eye on the patents at regular intervals of time. It needs exploring different official journals, databases, online sites, etc. for published or pending patent applications. Firms conduct it for different reasons. They check competitors in the market, double check any potential infringement of their service/products etc. more[…]

Patent Alert Services

Patent Watch Services | Patent Alert Services

The term, Patent Watch services refer to a process of watching/monitoring/checking the patents at regular intervals of time period in official journals, databases, etc. to search for newly published granted or pending patent applications that matches with the requirements specified at the beginning of the watch for our patent, and then subsequentially provide alerts. Related[…]

Patent Monitoring Report

Patent Monitoring Report: Learn All its Elements

Patent Monitoring Report comprises of your competitor’s patent portfolio to compare and analyze the quality of your products or services. It provide insights about the futuristic IP trends which are critical for your work, and keep a competitive eye on competitors. In this article, we will understand the various elements of a Patent Monitoring Report.[…]